craft your healing journey with
detox design

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ready to make the shift?

"I could have never made this shift without matt!"

it all begins here.

Here's what to expect by working with me:

  • Eliminating Uncomfortable Symptoms
  • Losing Stubborn Weight
  • Feeling Amazing
  • Having SO MUCH Energy Without Caffeine
  • & MORE!

 Let's do this! 

Together, we achieve more. Join our community and immerse yourself in monthly discussions, expert guest appearances, shared experiences, and a network of others on a similar journey.

refreshed community


Your health journey, your way. My A la Carte  services offer individualized treatments and sessions to meet your specific  goals. 

a la carte services


Commit to a transformation with Detox Design. It's the optimal choice for those serious about results, offering a wealth of resources and personal guidance  to help you THRIVE.

detox design


Learn about your  options here at Refreshed

want to hear from others who have worked with me?

Megan D.

I started seeing Matt over a year ago. I had just been diagnosed with PCOS. My ovaries were completely covered in cysts... I was told it was incurable and would have to remove my ovaries. I was heartbroken... I had a friend recommend that I see Matt. He gave me some hope and direction... (After working with Matt) I had a follow up appointment... and there are only a couple cysts left!... I have energy and feel so much better. It wasn't easy but the work was worth it!

Justin W.

Paige C.

Sammi J.

Jesus G.

I was diagnosed by Western medicine with end stage, stage 4 arthritis in both of my feet...  They said I needed fusions in both big toes and the bone spurs needed to be removed surgically. I am currently about 37 days into a holistic detox lean by Matt Michaels. Bone spurs reduced by almost half the size, no pain, more energy than I have ever had in my life,  lost 16 pounds, and the list could go on and on...

I signed up to do Matt's 6-month cleanse program not realizing how transformative it would be! I went from a high stress job, shot hormones, bloated tummy, at my wits end, anxiety, and panic attacks to understanding my body... I no longer have panic attacks, my hormones have balanced, my adrenals are supported, and now I live a low stress life. I'm pursuing a passion I love. I could have never made this shift without Matt!

I was referred to Matt because of my anxiety, blood pressure, and joint pain. I was on multiple medications but never got any better. I was suffering from constant panic attacks and couldn't sleep at night. After a couple of months following his detox plan, I am off of all my medications. My blood pressure is normal and I am almost completely pain free. I haven't had a panic attack since making all of these changes. I can play basketball with my son now. I can be there for my family now. 

Kay J.

I started going to Matt as a last resort I tried several doctors and specialists, nothing worked. I was diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus. I was told there is no cure... After seeing Matt and going on his program, it was gone and hasn't been back after suffering for 4 years... I feel so much better and I have lost 20 pounds! I have learned so much from Matt...

Matt has changed my life. I was diagnosed with cancer and did not want to go the conventional route. I found Matt who helped me discover the power of detoxing. I have been following his recommendations since I met him and my life has turned for the good. I no longer have cancer and I am cleaning my body of all kinds of toxins. I am so thankful I found Matt as he has truly opened my mind to the truth of detox and the power of whole food. 

want to join them? 

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   You wake up feeling groggy and zombified. Before you know it, you're reaching for your next caffeine fix to push away the impending drag. Whether you have to get in that morning espresso or crack open an energy drink or two, you know who you are. By mid-day you feel like you got hit by a wall and you're stuck relying on yet again more caffeine to give you that boost to finish the day. It's a soul sucking cycle that leaves you more drained day after day.  

   WELL... You're in luck. I can help you with this. You don't have to feel this way and you can actually wake up feeling energized to take on the day. Trust me because I've been there and I know you can do it too.

Sign up  below for my FREE resource Kick Caffeine In 30 Days

break free from caffeine!

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